Thursday, January 25, 2007

MSFT Update

It appears that after hours traders liked MSFT's Q2 earnings with the stock up about $0.80 at 31.25 as of this post. The earnings came in at $0.26/share, a penny above the highest estimate of $0.25 and 3 cents above the consensus estimate of $0.25.

Revenue came in at 12.5B coming in above 12.1 consensus estimates and the company guided slightly higher on their outlook with 45 to 46 cents on 13.7 to 14b in revenue for Q3. Analysts were already expecting 46 cents and 14b in revenue.

After today's shelling on the markets overall, I'm not too optimistic about a rally on this so-so, lackluster news but I could be wrong like I was with today's expected rally on EBAY's report after hours yesterday.

Oh well, it will be interesting how IV levels on our short put spread play do and how well the stock trades tomorrow as well.

Until then, goodnight and good luck as a famous news reporter used to say. At least I didn't say good night gracie.

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